Three Rivers Shiatsu

My Certifications

CenterPoint School of Massage and Shiatsu Therapy

In 2010 I graduated from a 750-hour program at the CenterPoint School for Shiatsu Therapy (the only school in the nation that teaches two full-body styles of shiatsu) in Minneapolis, where I studied various therapies originating in China and Japan as well as abdominal Ampuku, Kawaguchi, moxibustion, glass fire cupping, auricular pressing therapy, and guasha.

Therapeutic Techniques Studied:

Shiatsu Anma

Namikoshi Shiatsu

Ota & Goto School Ampuku

Moxibustion, Cupping, and Guasha



B.A. - University of Pittsburgh

B.A. in English Writing, 2008

Diplomate of Asian Bodywork Therapy

NCCAOM Certified

A Diplomate of Asian Bodywork Therapy is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®). It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Asian Bodywork (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of Asian bodywork therapy as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Asian Bodywork Therapy, please visit the NCCAOM Website.

AOBTA Certified Practitioner of Asian Bodywork Therapy

CP ABT since 2010 (see to learn more)

NM LMT #6891

New Mexico Licensed Massage therapist since 2011